<FoE> of Turalyon, Alliance Raiding, 6/7H
Goal for Highmaul: 7/7 Mythic
Recruitment Needs
We are currently Recruiting skilled DPS players for Mythic Highmaul
content. We actively seeking melee DPS with Rogue, Death Knight,
and Monk being high priority needs.
While we are well-stocked at certain positions (cloth DPS, in
particular) we are always willing to consider exceptional
applications, even if they happen to be in this role. However, we
are not actively seeking main spec tanks or healers, with the
exception of mistweaver monks, at this time.
The kind of folks we are looking for are those that are focused on
the continued growth of their class and constantly strive to better
themselves. Our raiders are individuals that use every tool at
their disposal to improve, and enjoy discussing their class/spec
with each other.
We are only accepting Mains for trials. We are not a weekend
raiding group for your alts.
Raiding Times
Progression Nights: Tuesday, Thursday, Monday: 8-11 Server
Who we are
<FoE> is a progression minded 10 man raiding guild expanding
to mythic raiding for Warlords of Draenor. Our raiding team goes 3
times a week. We focus on mythic mode progression in a mature
environment. We look for folks that are committed to their class
and the guild. While we do take a real life > games attitude
when you are in a raid you are expected to play at the best of your
ability and seek help if you are struggling. Most of us are closer
to 30 than 20 (or older than that); many have kids, jobs, etc. We
have folks from all walks of life and expect and maintain a
respective and mature environment. We don't tolerate drama, and
expect any interpersonal disputes be settled in an adult
Raiders are expected to be at raids they commit for. We use the
guild calendar as a sign up. We do appreciate that real life
happens and will work with you if your schedule changes.
All raiders are expected to have a >80% attendance rate.
Loot is simply distributed by a roll system, more details in the
applicant interview.
How to Apply
Please check out our website if you're interested in applying:
foeturalyon.enjin.com/ or contact one of our officers in game,
officers are Rank 2 or higher on wow armory.
Guild Leader Contact: Shando, Shandi235#1625,
Raid Leader Contact: Gigadin, Gigadin#1227
Officer Contact: Raedwulf, Claypax#1329