5/7 Mythic
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; 8:30-11:30pm EST
<Portal> is a mature, progression-oriented guild. We are not
only a raid team, but a long standing community of like-minded
players who strive to be at the top of the realm while consistently
improving as a unit. We take pride in progressing while still
maintaining a reasonable schedule and a laid-back environment. We
raid on the horde side of Turalyon - US.
Recruitment Needs:
<Portal> is looking for the specific classes and roles listed
above. However, we will never pass up the opportunity to
incorporate dedicated players to our team. We keep a tight-knit
roster of 26-28 people, so a potential recruit will need to prove
they have the skills required in a mythic environment to displace a
current raider. With that being said, raid spots are not set in
stone, even for veteran members. Do not be afraid to apply because
a longtime member holds the spot that you desire. We use an EPGP
priority loot system with loot council to ensure that the raid is
being upgraded as a whole instead of individual players.
<Portal> requires every player to be:
- Prepared
- Accountable
- Communicative
- Concentrated
- Available
- Supportive
These are the key aspects we look for in a raider. We prefer that
recruits be 18 years of age or older due to mature content in the
guild as well as the expectation that each person has control over
their own schedule. We expect that each player will research their
class/spec to maximize potential within the raid. Greater flasks,
potions, and healing tonics are a requirement for all raids. Savage
feasts are dropped at each boss, but are not guaranteed. Make sure
to bring your own 100 stat food.
Everyone in the guild has a professional life outside of WoW and we
understand that "life happens." We try our best to schedule extra
raid nights around everyone's individual schedules. We do not
require 100% attendance, but we do not recruit for the bench, so
excellent attendance is expected outside of unforeseeable affairs.
You will be held accountable for the days that you say you will
commit to. Players are required to have Mumble and a working
microphone for progression raiding. We prefer that our members
enjoy playing the game outside of raiding. Alts are welcome to the
How to Apply:
If you meet our expectations and would like to join us for mythic
raiding, please read our informational posts on the recruitment
process and raiding expectations on our website at
http://portalguild.us. When you are finished, fill out an
application. Our applications are private and are only viewable to
the applicant and members of our guild. Your application gives us
our first impression of you as a player and as a person. Put some
time into the application; make it count!
Contact Information:
If you have any questions or would like more information about
<Portal>, please contact us in-game or apply on our
Authörity (Real ID: Authority#1650)
Mortigi (Real ID: DrVonSock#1419)
Stressball (Real ID: Huevos#1396)