About us:
Kinsmen was created on February 1, 2006. Our members range in ages
from 20 to 50 with the majority in their 20’s and 30’s. We value
our time and make every attempt possible to ensure our in game time
is spent wisely. Our guild consists of players who cannot or do not
want to commit to the time-intensive raid schedules of traditional
"hardcore” guilds. We're laid back and don't push hard for realm
firsts. We kill stuff when we kill stuff, we strive to down heroics
when we can, and get the most done when the content is current.
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 8-11 pm Central Time.
Exceptional applicants will always be considered. A workable and
geared offset for any role would be very helpful, but not
Guild Master: Blackfield - Blackfield#1702
Recruit Officer: Aelric - Aelric#1495
Browse the website for more information or throw in an application.
You can add myself or Aelric to get in contact with us.