Heros of the Horde (yes we are aware of the misspelling, thank you)
are a mature, casual raiding/PvP/Social guild. We have a minimum
age requirement which we take seriously. Many of our members are
serious about raiding and/or PvP, but the guild, as a whole, is
very laid back and keep a generally casual temperament.
HotH is a very structured guild, but our structure is maintained
and managed by our officers, who dedicate a great deal of time to
keeping guild business orderly, so that our members don't have to
worry about a lot of details or abuse/mistreatment.
We do not play favorites and our loot rules apply to our guild
members and our guests, equally, in all of our guild raids. HotH's
officers go out of their way to do everything reasonable to ensure
our members are treated with respect and our raid participants are
treated to an equitable experience.
If you would like to know more about Heros of the Horde, please
feel free to send a tell to any of our officers or visit our web