Diffusion is a horde mythic raiding guild looking to make a name
for ourselves on Turalyon. We’re comprised of an experienced core
of players who have raided end-game content together since TBC.
We’re looking for serious mature players who are willing to come
prepared and focused for only 8hrs a week. We run a lean roster so
there will be no handholding and very little bench time. We expect
you to know your class and raid-role and come prepared to perform
at a level above the common rabble.
Raid Times:
T/Th 9pm-11:30pm EST
W 9pm – 12am EST
Our current recruitment needs are*:
1 Warlock
1 Ret with holy offspec
1 healer (in order of preferred classes):
*Please note we are ALWAYS looking for exceptional players, so if
you do not see your class listed but are confident you can perform
at a top server level do no hesitate to fill out an application on
our website or contact us in game.
Game IDs:
Jox( jox#1727)
Smimm( smimm#1452)