Blood Equinox is now recruiting for mythic progression. We are
currently interested in recruiting all classes, for all roles. If
you are interested in joining our main raid team, then please
proceed and contact an officer within guild on Aggramar, or ask a
member of the guild to direct you to one. Our raiding-schedule are
usually 20:00 till 23:00 Server Time, where the invites start at
19:45. The current raid-days Monday,Thursday and Sunday - with an
optional raid on Tuesday when need or interest arise.
We expect the following of you as a raider:
Class knowledge: You should know how to best play your class. We
expect every piece of loot distributed to you to be made of use for
the benefit of the team.
Encounter knowledge: Being well aware of what awaits in the raids
is very important. We expect you to have knowledge of the
boss-mechanics, and how the general public overcomes the encounter.
While we at times use our personal strategies in order to overcome
an encounter - knowing optional strategies provides insight into
why we do as we do, when we do it.
Be on time: We expect all of our raids to start on time. Should you
be late, please inform a member of the guild and ask them to pass
it onto the raid management. Most of our officers can be reached by
Respect: Not only do we assume that you respect your fellow members
of the guild. We also ask of you to respect the fact that while in
Blood Equinox, you play as a part of the team. This means that the
time we invest in a raid is not yor own, but shared by everyone
involved. Purposily delaying the raid several times by going afk,
fooling around or by any other means wasting everybody's time will
result in you being excluded from the team.
Help us forward: We are all progessing together, and as a guild we
always strive for improvement. Should you find interest in
providing constructive criticism as to how we may improve, know
that it will always be welcome. Should you need help personally
with something, know that the members of Blood Equinox often enjoy
sharing what information we know about the game, with everything
from class knowledge, boss strategies, trivia and more.
We look forward to hearing from you!
With regards: Blood Equinox