We're Draconic Savant, a 20man Alliance guild, and we're currently
3/7M Highmaul. We were established on Bloodscalp back in April '06
by our "Fearless Leader™" Nahela, and have been raiding and killing
dargonz since. We transferred to Bleeding Hollow shortly before MoP
to escape a dying server. While it was great for the past (almost)
2 years, the faction imbalance and server queues took their toll
and we decided to use the FCM to transfer to Korgath. We're a fun,
friendly, and diverse group of individuals who pride ourselves on
being accepting to all (regardless of age, gender, race, sexual
orientation, etc). Our members come from across the USA, Canada,
and Australia, with ages ranging from 18-30s, so regardless of your
background or views there's a good chance you'll find someone to
relate to here!
We raid 3 nights a week during progression. Our raid days are
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 7:00-10:00pm CST.
During farm content we frequently raid less. Like every guild, we
expect you to be on time and ready to pull at the start of raid
time. Noodle carts are frequently dropped, however we do require
all raiders to carry their own +300 stat buff food for that extra
edge. Raiders are required to have appropriate flasks and potions
as well.
We run a Loot Council system that's tracked publicly (along with
attendance on our repurposed DKP site) with the goal of a fair, yet
progression-oriented, distribution of loot. Show up, perform well,
be a fun person and you will be rewarded!
If you're interested in applying you should head to our website
http://www.draconicsavant.net and fill out the supplied
application on the forums. If you have any questions regarding
recruitment or the guild in general, feel free to contact our
recruitment officer:
Recruitment Officer: Rubine in game and on our forums (or by
BattleTag: Rubine#1472)
Thanks for reading! We hope to hear from you!