XIlI Commandment is a raiding guild moved from Sylvanas to
Emeriss between Dec 12 and Dec 19 2014. We have a very strong
Bulgarian core, complemented by some quality internationals on
certain important spots. The guild's leaders and some of the
core-players are WoW-veterans, seasoned and experienced.
Our 20-man team is almost filled. Also other roles opened for
recruitment will have to earn their place with some makeshift and
standby appearances.
Our default raid-schedule:
Tuesday: 20:40 - 00:00
Thursday: 20:40 - 00:00
Sunday: 14:40 - 00:00 (with one or two breaks)
Variations are possible. Farm schedule may sometimes include a
Wednesday (20:40 - 00:00) raid. Mythic schedule will remain the
same with an accent on the Sunday daytime raid.
XIlI Commandment insists on certain virtues in interacting
with guild members and outsiders - our leaders can not stand
duchebags, elitist jerks and any other types of obnoxious persons
and will avoid any contact with such. Also, we are a haven for
those who want a tight and nice raiding community, mature,
respectful and helpful. Having in mind that our raiding spots are
limited, we also accept players on a social/observer rank with no
responsibilities, but with no guaranteed spot in any scheduled
Even though the guild currently has 70% Bulgarian members, we use
English in our chats and raid-calls when it is necessary.
You can contact our leaders' main characters in-game for more
information and questions:
For more info on what is going on and to post your applications,
here is the site of our community: