Hello! Cognitive Dissonance is looking for quality players for
Mythic progression!
Here's what you want to know:
About us: Our raid team was formed from two 10-man raid
teams from the same guild in Mists of Pandaria. The majority of us
have known and played games with each other for at least a year or
two; some of us have been friends nearly our entire lives. We are
active in WoW as well as other games such as League of Legends. Our
aim is to assemble a skilled group of players to conquer every boss
on Mythic difficulty prior to the release of the next tier of
content, without a hardcore schedule. Most importantly, we want to
have fun and enjoy our time playing with each other.
Tuesday, 7PM-11PM Central
Thursday, 7PM-11PM Central
Sunday, 7PM-11PM Central
We take about a half hour of break time each night.
Loot Policy: As a group, we understand that gear needs to be
used for the maximum benefit of the raid. To accomplish this, we
use a loot council combined with rolling to distribute gear fairly
and evenly.
What we expect from you:
Preparation: Be prepared for fights by knowing the
mechanics, strategy, and watching videos. Come fully prepared with
all the best enchants, gems, and consumables. Know your class like
the back of your hand!
Experience: Ideally, you should have previous experience
raiding at the hardest level of content while it was current. You
should be familiar with all of the current tier's fights and have
gear that is appropriate for the level of content we are
Attitude: Our guild's only rule is don't be a jerk. Respect
your fellow raiders, both in how you treat them and by showing
respect for their time.
Our current needs for Mythic content are listed above. Our
application process involves a review of your raiding history and a
Mumble conversation, followed by a trial period in the guild.
For more information, please contact Cryopathy (Lulenius#1940) in