Hi everyone!
Blackdawn on US-Stormscale is seeking primarily a tank and a
healer, both of whom also enjoy DPS. We're currently raiding 10m
Siege of Orgrimmar. You would come into the core group immediately,
with no bench waiting. Any other interested DPS players please
still send a message and we if you meet the below requirements,
we'll bring you in, too.
Requirements for the position:
8:30 PM - 12 AM EST Tuesday, Friday, Sunday
~540+ ilvl
Willing to transfer sooner rather than later
Willing to use Ventrilo. Mic isn't necessary, but it's a big
For the tank role: primarily seeking a druid,
warrior or monk, but I won't say no to a paladin or
death knight if they're geared and enthusiastic.
For the healer role: primarily seeking a shaman, a
druid or a paladin, but as above, well geared priests
or monks still apply.
A bit about us:
The guild just celebrated its 9th anniversary in December, 2013.
We've been playing and raiding since the start of the game with no
breaks, so we've done all the content there is to do before now.
The raiding crowd is a bit older, so we're generally a tiny bit
more mature than what you'll find out there normally. That doesn't
mean we don't get a good laugh out of your standard *** and ***
Stormscale was just connected to 5 other servers, so population is
huge right now. There's a lot going on in trade and general, so
much so that I've stopped using oQueue for most things as it's
generally easy to find a group for off night stuff.
The other connected servers: Firetree, Malorne, Rivendare,
Spirestone, Drak'tharon, so you could transfer to any of these or
Stormscale and still be able to be invited.
You can contact me at buckle@blackdawnguild.com, in game at
Buckle#1519, or message anyone in Blackdawn to find out what
toon I'm on at the time. Many people in guild can text me if I'm
not online.