We are looking for full time raiders for our Warlords Heroic Raid
Team, we are in particular need Hybrid classes with a viable off
spec & willingness to use it*. (Applicants should have a gear
score of 565+/- have their cloak for consideration for a spot in
the core group SoO runs & be willing to make the Group 2 Run
(Thursday) night for evaluation by 1 or more Raid officers.)
under rev. on start of WoD raiding wicker
* Off tanks willing & cable of running dungeon challenge modes
& step into our raids to preforming in a melee DPS roll.
Healers with Range DPS roles off-specs & DPS with viable
off-spec Healing.
Our 6.0 WoD Heroic Raid schedule
8:45pm -11:45pm
Mon. "Night 3 or 4"
Tue. "Night 1"
Wed. "Night 2"
Fri."Night 3" only during progression
Other scheduled Guild Events
9pm -11:30pm server
Thur. (Challenge Modes)
Sat. Normal Mode or Legacy Raids
Sun.(PVP Night), "Rated Battle Grounds"
We make use of Ventrilo for our voice chat on guild events & it
is required absolutely no exceptions.
Raiding Alts & Main Character
At A.I. we support the use of Raiding Alt Characters particularly
when it provides a needed roll or Class distribution for the night
to make sure we run. That being said the alt should be given
attention to rival that of your main character & can in no way
impede the guilds raid progress or that of your fellow Raiders.
Raiding mains that run with the Core Group for 3+ weeks
consistantly & display a competent knowledge of their class
& roll are up for promotion to the "Adept" Rank. This Rank
offers many bonuses such as guild bank access, Higher repair daily
allotment & preffered raid placement. Adepts are expected to
keep their gear current & to make raid lock outs exclusive to
that of our Core group unless you have saught permission of the
Current Raid Lead & 1 other raid officer ahead of time.
Loot Distribution
We use EP/GP (DKP) loot distribution system on weekly 7% decay,
Main Spec up grades are at full cost & side Grade / Offset
items are at half. If a pick up player is present request roll goes
out Need for Main Spec, Greed for Off Spec (Main Spec side grade)
or Pass to determine if guild or pug wins item, then if guild wins
PR ratio is followed as normal to determine the items owner.
Mounts, Pets & other novelty items are not covered by the
Guilds EP/GP & deffer to free roll.
Active Raid Requiting & Roll Officers
Keshet (Norwind) "Guild Leader"
Fernés "Core Raid Lead"
Santay "Healing Roll Officer"
Shadowsblood "Melee Roll Officer"
Wickerboy (Darcya) "Range Roll Officer"
PST/Mail us in game or Follow us on WoWProgress