Hey we are a raiding guild recruiting a few ranged dps and a healer
to further our progress in SoO. We raid three nights per week and
expect atleast 2 nights of your time to raid with us. We are well
established guild with long history. We are not going anywhere
soon. We are on alliance kilrogg, nagrand runetoem merge.
Raid days/
Wednesday 20.00-23.00st
Thursday 20.00-23.00st
Sunday 19.30-2300st
We expect you to be geared for heroics although we will gear people
with a good raiding history. Heroic SoO is preferable. Please have
a working mic and be vocal. This is core spots to replace people
who left the game. We are people around 20 years old and from
europe. Well spoken english people in guild. We expect decent
attended but we arent strict as we understand IRL. We want new
members to be social and play as a team.
We are in need of:
Disc priest/resto druid
Elemental shaman
Other classes may be looked at if they have previous hc raidin
Add me infex#2602 for a chat