Team Plague is one of the newer additions to emeriss, the guild
created on the 12.01.2015 is made up by old raiders and friends
looking at the new expansion with passion after a few "failed"
expansions from blizzards side.
Some things to note:
Keep in mind that the application is your chance to show us who you
are and if you’ll fit in, so make it a good one!
Applications are made on our homepage, You will
be informed of the outcome either through an e-mail,forum,
Battlenet, or in-game communication
Loot Rules: We use a lootcouncil that distrubites loot that will
benefit the raid most
Recruiting Raiders
Our main raid days are Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 19:00 -
We are currently looking for dedicated raiders who can attend 3
raid nights a week in Warlords of Draenor. The focus for WoD will
be top tier Mythic raiding. If you wish to participate in a
competitive environment, where you're expected to carry your own
weight, and know that each raider on your side is doing the same,
then Team Plague is where you belong.
This is your chance, new expansion means a fresh start for
everyone! Come and join the plague!
Exceptional players will always be considered
Please contact Rasr or visit for more
My battletag: Rasr#2543
Thank you for reading.