Fused is a 25m Heroic guild on Illidan. We formed June 24, 2014. We
are comprised of many top end raiders looking to put our foot down
in Warlords of Draenor and shoot for us top 20!
We currently raid Sunday, Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from
8pm-12pm EST. Sunday is a extra day we have only added for
progression. We are looking for people who can take criticism and
and work together regardless of personal feelings towards others to
better the guild. You will be expected to know your class through
and through from all dps specs to tank and healing. This makes you
more useful and versatile to the guild.
If you think you are a serious enough player who will dedicate the
time and energy into raiding 5 days a week and want a serious
progression environment we would like to hear from you. If you
would like to know more contact a officer online or go to our
For more information contact and officer or check out our
Officer RealID: Wår#1375, Drama#1533
Website: www.Fusedraiding.com