Raiding Schedule:
7-11pm EST Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
-Sufficient gear for the content.
-Heroic experience
-Raid Logs
General Information:
<Capital Vices> is a 20man Mythic progression guild on
US-Eredar (Vindication/Chicago Datacenter). We raid from 7-11pm EST
Tuesday-Thursday and expect everyone to show the kind of dedication
necessary to remain competitive on a short schedule. A council
consisting of officers manages the guild and distributes loot based
on role, performance, recent attendance etc for the sole purpose of
downing bosses. CV has been stable and successful for over 5 years
now, and we're happy to hear from anyone interested in continuing
that tradition with us in Warlords of Draenor.
Past 25man Heroic Achievements:
-Heroic: Garrosh Hellscream - US #46
-Heroic: Lei Shen - US #46
-Heroic: Sha of Fear - US #56
-Heroic: Grand Empress Shek'zeer - US #63
-Heroic: Will of the Emperor - US #79
-Heroic: Madness of Deathwing - US #126