Twitter: @MythicRaiding
Mythic Requires that you:
1. Know your class
2. Have 95% attendance
3. Have a Main and Co-main extra alts add to your stock
4. Have Mumble and ability to communicate verbally
Mythic is a newly formed hardcore guild in search of players
focused on progression.
Our overall goal for the raid team is to prepare for WoD and push
for US top-10.
To achieve this goal raiders will be required to work with
front-loaded raid times.
Raiders will be expected to play for the entirety of the first
Mythic week and possibly the next.
The hours will be determined by the raid leader as well as break
To maximize efficiency we plan on running at least two raids
(possibly a third).
We plan to spread and funnel gear to alts who are ready to
We also want to provide the ability to construct a raid comp for
any fight.
After the first week we plan on dropping to 4-5 days and a normal
schedule if still on progression.
After progression we will begin to clear at a relaxed level.
We will taper down raid days until we are clearing with a 2-3 day
We are looking for the best players possible.
We want players that not only know their classes, but are also
extremely raid aware and have the ability to adapt on the fly to
new mechanics and strats.
1. Name
2. Real ID
3. Main(Class & iLvL)
4. Co-main
5. Any other alts
6. Can you make our demanding front loaded raid schedule for
7. What is your past experience in raiding?
8. Do you have any notable gaming achievements?
9. Why do you want to raid with Mythic?
10. What do you think you bring to Mythic that is unique to
11. What separates you from the average raider?
12. What does commitment mean to you?
13. Tell us about yourself!
14. UI Pic (in and out of raid)
15. How well do you handle raid stress?
16. Any references you have to verify personal skill?
17. How often do you experience computer or network problems?
18. Is there anything else you would like to add?
19. How badly do you want to raid for a world class guild?
20. Explain your rotation and how your class is played
21. Provide a link to a parse(Log)
22. Wow armory link
23. How long have you been playing WoW?
24. When is the last time you have raided?
25. Do you have a preference for a specific class/role for WoD? (If
so please specify)
26. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being very flexible, 10 being a must
have) how strong is your preference?
Send apps to -
*This App is how we first judge you, if you want to make a good
first impression then put time and effort into it.*
2nd part of the app phase requires a personal voice interview, to
schedule this interview contact the real I.D's below.
(contact these real I.D's for any additional questions as well)
The application process will go as follows:
Apps will be received, and if approved, applicants will be asked to
attend a two day tryout period.
If approved after this tryout period, applicants will be on a trial
member status.
Trial member status results in being required to make 95% of all
raids over a two week time frame.
Applicants who finish the trial process and are subsequently
approved will receive a realm transfer courtesy of the guild.