Impetus is aiming to strengthen our roster and we are looking for
skilled, dedicated raiders capable of learning and mastering
content on a limited schedule. After starting Mist of Pandaria in
10 man, we successfully transitioned into 25 man and completed
14/14 Heroic pre-6.0. According to Wowprogress, we were the only 25
man guild to be 14/14 Heroic on a 6 hour schedule. We are currently
2/7 Mythic, and are aiming to again finish as the US #1 Mythic
guild raiding 6 hours per week or less.
What Are We Recruiting Right Now?
We are looking for a skilled and experienced Tank! Any exceptional
tank will be considered, but we are highly interested in:
Blood Death Knight
Protection Warrior
Protection Paladin
We are currently searching for some exceptional DPS who excel at
executing mechanics! We'll consider any skilled DPS, but are
currently highly interested in the following classes and specs:
Demonology Warlocks
Frost/Arcane or Fire/Arcane Mages
Balance Druid
Frost/Blood or Unholy/Blood Death Knight
Retribution/Holy Paladin
We are looking for people that:
Love raiding and pushing themselves
to do better.
Actively communicate with the team.
Can maintain at least 80-90% attendance.
Are laid back and mature.
Getting In Touch With Us
If this sounds like the sort of team you want to be a part of,
please don't hesitate to give one of our officers a whisper in game
or visit our website:
Guild Leader:
Recruiting Officer: Nimand#1301
Officer: Draxilar#1706
Our admission process includes a written application and a vent
interview. Through this process we aim to verify that you raiding
with Impetus is the correct fit for both parties.