<Death Penalty> is looking to fill remaining spots for Mythic
Current Progression: (7/7H 1/7M Highmaul) (5/10H Blackrock
Raid Days: Tues/Wed 9PM-1AM EST
Currently Recruiting:
High Demand:
Resto Druid
Balance Druid
Resto Shaman
*Please remember even if your class/spec is not listed please still
contact us!*
What we expect from you:
You are a mature player
You have a good computer and a stable connection that does not
affect attendance.
You are willing to wipe on new encounters and are interested in
progression because we are a progression guild.
You know your class inside and out, and consider yourself to be
knowledgeable of every aspect of your spec and any off-spec that
the guild needs (if your OS was part of your recruitment).
You have a high raid attendance percentage, since it's really
important during progression.
Mumble and a working mic is required
Contact us:
Punishment - Punish#1221
Magiccraig - Kiytos#1886
Xraychicken- Xraychicken#1730