Legendary is a level 25 Alliance guild located on the Aggramar
We are currently recruiting for our two 10-man raid teams. We are
currently 5/12 and looking for additional raiders. We could really
use more ranged dps like a Warlock, Mage or Druid however we will
consider any qualified toon/role.
What do you need to qualify as a raider with Legendary?
1. You must be active. The only time you play can't be raids, we
expect you to cap valor etc. to be the best you can.
2. You must be able to attend raids. We all have RL things that
come up and that is okay however the expectation is that you will
be there more than you won't. A heads-up to the raid when planning
an absence is encouraged.
3. You must know your class... enough said.
4. You must have working Vent with Mic.
5. You must have good internet. "I'm lagging" is not an excuse to
die, do your best to fix it. We realize internet connections can be
finicky sometimes and understand this. However if you are found to
be running unnecessary addons or other computer programs that
affect your ability to raid, then you will be nicely asked to fix
it or step out of the raid. Speaking of addons, you must be running
the appropriate raid addons such as DBM. Others can be helpful as
well but no need to be running Auctionator or anything like that
during raid.
6. You must be prepared. This means be at the raid instance 15
minutes prior to raid repaired to 100%, fully gemmed, enchanted,
reforged as necessary and ready to kill stuff.
7. You must know the fights. Knowledge is power and end game
content is certainly no exception. At the very least learn what
functions your role will perform in each boss fight each week.
Don't expect the raid to have to sit and wait whilst someone tells
you what you are supposed to be doing. Too many times of that and
you likely won't get invited back.
8. You must have situational awareness. In it's simplest form this
means don't stand in the fire! That is mainly what we ask and that
you continue to improve upon that ability.
9. You must be willing to accept that wiping is a part of
progression raiding.
10. Lastly, you must be able to have fun!
Our raid nights generally are:
Group #1: Tues/Wed 7:45 - 10:00 p.m. (C.S.T.)
Group #2: Sat/Sun/Mon 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. server (C.S.T.)
Here's what else you need to know about Legendary:
We're a family-oriented guild. Guild chat, vent and raid chat
during all raids are kept Disney rated. We like to have fun,
support our players' growth and raid.
We were awarded the position of Mentoring Guild for some time last
year for the Aggramar server which was an honor and enjoyable
experience for us.
Raiding in Legendary is pretty open - we want you to raid, we want
to progress but most of us have a real life. All raids are posted a
week in advance for signups. To gain the rank of Hero or Legend
(our raiding ranks) you must raid with us regularly. Regular
raiding is rewarded with guild support of progression raiding,
repair bills and usage of the Guild Bank for flasks, pots, gems and
enchanting mats for gear.
More information and application can be found here:
To chat with someone in-game please add my Battletag: Berly#1829.
You may also contact an Officer for any questions or if you need
more information.
Thank you!