We have successfully made the transition into a 20 man Mythic
team for WoD! Our roster is in a comfortable spot, but we are
always looking for exceptional players to supplement our raid and
are keeping recruitment open for the time being.
Dsylxeic is a progression focused Alliance guild on Drenden. We
pride ourselves on having a long, rich history with consistent
success throughout the many expansions this game has come to offer
us. Although we tend to take progression raiding seriously, we are
able to maintain a relaxed yet productive atmosphere within our
raids. We are a large group of friends that strive for efficiency
and a guild that endlessly searches for creative methods that allow
us to improve each and every tier.
Notable highlights (10
SoO Tier 16:
-US 12th Heroic Garrosh Hellscream
-US 11th Heroic Paragons of the Klaxxi
-US 14th Heroic Siegecrafter Blackfuse
-US 11th Heroic Thok the Bloodthirsty
-US 13th Heroic Malkorok
ToT Tier 15:
-US 20th Heroic Ra-Den
-US 22nd Heroic Lei Shen
Tier 14:
-US 34th Heroic Sha of Fear
-US 13th Heroic Grand Empress Shek'zeer
-US 32nd Heroic Will of the Emperor
We are determined to find advanced players that are motivated to
progress at an accelerated pace through cutting edge content. If
you feel that you are one of the top performers in your guild, we
want you apart of our team. However, we are focusing most of our
attention right now towards:
Progression Raid Schedule (EST):
Sun.......8:30 pm - 12:00 am
Mon.......8:30 pm - 12:00 am
Tues......8:30 pm - 12:00 am
Wed.......8:30 pm - 12:00 am
Thurs.....8:30 pm - 12:00 am
That's approximately 17.5 hrs / week during active progression. You
would be expected to have at least 95% attendance here. On farm, we
usually only raid on Tues and Wed.
What we can offer you:
A raiding atmosphere like none other where your enthusiasm and
passion to be at the top is shared by everyone and a chance to
build a foundation in our guild, allowing you to experience new
content with some of the most talented individuals playing this
If any of this sounds appealing to you, you are encouraged to apply
Or if you'd like to contact us directly through BattleTag:
Celdrid (Celdrid#1865)
Toxiel (Solid#1809)
Aara (Zach#1988)