We're an Alliance guild, once upon a time known as Kindred, that
has been around since shortly after release. The Guild has been
leading the server from Molten Core until Sunwell which was our
main setback back in the days due to various issues, but since
Ulduar hit we've claimed back our leadership. After Cataclysm there
has been major changes to the guild, cutting down from 25 to 10 man
and eventually going from semi-hardcore to a more casual stance.
Now with the dawn of Warlords of Draenor we are still casual but
looking to get back into semi-hardcore raiding... Eventually.
What we're looking for in you:
First and foremost, maturity and an eagerness and ability to raid,
and defeat new encounters. Now, this doesn't mean an eagerness to
loot; but rather the fortitude to come back after repeated wipes,
fork over gold for repair bills, invest a lot of effort in farming
potions to help you perform your tasks better, and listen to
long-winded strategy talks over Ventrilo.
Normally we raid around 2 days a week, between 19:30 and 23:00
(Mon-Tue). We will expect you to be able to attend at least both
days on an average week during progression phase , and stay for the
full raid durations. We expect you to understand that you might not
be taken to all raids (if you can't take standby, don't apply).
Your gear level isn't that critical, although at this stage of the
game minimum ilvl 640-650 would be best. At this stage of the game
you're likely to be equipped in LFR gear, crafted epics and maybe
some normal mode gear. More important than this is your skill at
playing and knowledge of your class and how it can benefit the most
the raid: your talent build and the gear combination you choose for
it, your enchants, and primarily how well you play and how much
you're ready to give in raid and instance situations.
Classes needed:
These are the classes we are primarily in need of. If your class is
not listed but you feel that you have just the dedication and the
abilities we need, you are welcome to apply anyway; we review all
applications individually.
Classes needed are stated above
To apply, go to http://wow-aeternus.com/, register and make a post
in our recruitment forum - Only contact Deekaye, Faylane or Caris
on forums or in game if you have some specific question.
Just don't make your application ingame via pm, you can talk about
your interest but please, do it via the Forums as it will be easier
for all of us.
Thank you