<Death Jesters> of Stormrage are looking for excellent
players to kill pandas.
About us:
Formed January 27th, 2005, we are the oldest and one of the
most respected raiding guilds on Stormrage. We have always prided
ourselves on being a very small, closely-bonded 25man guild. We
have a long history of raiding and have achieved numerous server
firsts and top rankings. Many of us have been raiding together
since Molten Core or previous MMOs. Our players have killed every
single boss in the game prior to major easymode nerfs. Many of us
know each other
in real life, think of each other as friends and family. We have
not only built a raiding guild, but a raiding community.
Our reserved days/hours for raiding are Mon-Thurs(9:30pm-12:30am
EST). Friday to Sunday are always reserved as off days.
If you believe you have what it takes and are looking for a new
home rather than just a new guild, continue reading.
What we offer you:
-We offer you a very stable guild with a history that pre-dates
World of Warcraft. In nearly eight years of raiding, we have never
been close to falling apart, and we will be around until the game
-We offer you a guild where you will be treated with respect and
your voice will be heard. We always welcome thoughts, ideas, and
-We offer a raid team where spots are given out based on merit and
not on favoritism.
-We have a friend/family rank available for those that reach full
member status and would like a friend or family member to
experience our atmosphere.
-We offer you a guild in which you will get as much back as you put
What we want:
-We want players with a strong raiding background, a willingness to
improve and thorough knowledge about their class. We do not want
players that log on only for a raid. We are all social creatures
that enjoy each others' company. If you are looking for a guild
ONLY to raid with and collect loot, this guild is not for you. We
are a guild of team players. We play this game for ourselves and
our teammates.
-We want people looking to be part of a team for the long term. We
are looking for players that want to spend the rest of their
raiding career here.
-Nobody wants to be the weak link in our chain; everyone strives to
be the best. We want players that knew how to spread out on C'thun,
move on Thaddius and Heigan, who killed their constructs with ease,
and have never cratered on Archimonde. We want players with
situational awareness, players that can use their healthstone, and
that aren't afraid to admit they made a mistake in order to improve
upon it.
-We want people that want to be Death Jesters for life, and have
one last amazing guild in their Warcraft career.
We will not however, compromise the integrity of the guild by
cheesing comps, overrecruiting for an expansion, or recruiting the
best players in the world if they just don't fit in with our guild
philosophy. We want each and every one of
our members to enjoy raiding here with each other and we recruit
like-minded individuals. We've always been the 'good guys' of the
We will always look at exceptional applicants in any class. If you
want a home for the rest of your WoW career and feel you can
compete on a hardcore level, then we encourage you to apply.
Additional information about us can be found on
Our website at http://www.death-jesters.net/
Our recruitment information can be visited on our forums:
If you have any questions about anything, feel free to message any
Death Jester officer: Dreaz, Thek, , Eloriya, Sparty (BattlenetID:
Sparty#1780 or RealID: spartysmallwood@gmail.com), or email
We wish you the best in your guild search!