About us
Drama is an old World of Warcraft guild on Outland-EU.
We formed around the beginning of May 2006 by the core members of
Bladefist/Outland guild Proeliatoris.
Our goal is to progress at a normal phase.
Most of us are 25 years and older and have been playing WoW since
its beta. We are a friendly bunch and most of us know each other
IRL in one way or another.
We usually raid together with our Irish friends in
We raid Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 20.00 to
23.00 Server Time (CET). If you cannot attend at these times
simply do not bother writing an application.
About you
You have reached level 100.
You are mature.
You have good raiding and WoW experience.
You have good equipment, work to maximize your gear with
You can play your class, and if you are invited you prove that you
can do so.
You are flexible with your talent build, hybrids being able to play
2 different specs is a plus.
You can handle criticism, and learn from mistakes.
You can use Mumble.
You are able to attend at least 2 out of 3 raids.
Exceptional applications and players will be considered even if
your class is not mentioned!
Please whisper or message ''Flavio'', "Ellay",
"Reflexx" or "Aldo" in game for more information.