Adult only Semi-Hardcore Raiding Guild.
Our focus is to clear normal and heroic content with its core
members who are couples, friends, family and have been long time
raiders clearing all raid content together since BC. We are a very
close knit guild and love having a great time. ( A SENSE OF HUMOR
IS A MUST, BUT KNOW WHEN TO GET SERIOUS). Guild leaders and members
have multiple max level raid ready toons and are very knowledgeable
in their classes and specs and are always willing to help. Core
Raiders take pride in their toons and are very competitive. :)
Core progression group is always looking for SKILLED, DEPENDABLE,
RAID AWARE players who can progress through current content.
Groups for Heroics/Challenge modes available.
Many guild events are held through-out the year including Transmog
contests and Holiday events. Always winners! $$$
Lower leveling raiding for achievements, mounts, and gear.
Max level guild perks with repairs available to all raiders.
Guild 4Sale tab stocked with current materials at discounted