**Recruiting for our Mythic raiding Roster!**
<Business Class>
Always looking for exceptional DPS/Healers/Tanks who think
they have what it takes for Mythic raiding!
Currently looking for HPally, MW, Non-Mage RDPS, Enh Shammy and
exceptional DPS
Apply at: http://businessclass.enjin.com or contact any officer
Our raid times are as follows:
*Tuesday- 8:00pm - 11:00pm
*Wednesday- 8:00pm - 11:00pm
*Thursday - 8:00pm - 11:00pm
Our number one priority in Business Class is maintaining our
positive environment so that members are happy to log on and
excited to raid and work together. However, if there’s someone out
there that wants your position more, can fulfill the same
environmental requirements, has equal or better performance, and is
willing to work harder for the core raid position, then from a
business standpoint we will need to be bringing those people into
raids. As Business Class improves over time, our raider
requirements are going to continue to inflate due to higher
competition and higher density of applicants. Some people may get
left behind in the process if they don’t continue to improve. We've
seen it happen quite a few times already. It’s sad to see good
players start to plateau with their performance, but we need to
keep moving forward.
All of these variables will contribute to our overall assessment
of your performance as a raider and member within Business Class
(the first three have the highest weight and significance):
Raid Performance – members interested in raiding with
Business Class must have an exceptional raid performance. Players
are required to have a heightened sense of raid awareness and
ability to execute boss mechanics near-flawlessly. Mechanic
execution is prioritized over numbers that show up on the damage
meter. Being able to perform competitive levels of DPS/HPS is also
very important, but ignoring boss mechanics to improve your meter
performance is not acceptable. We do not carry people that are
incapable of performing the tasks necessary to be a core raider
(regardless of their seniority or relationships with other
Attendance – the ideal expectancy of raiders is to have 100%
attendance. Unexcused absences are unacceptable (no-call, no-show,
no-follow up). You are allowed to post on the forums with at least
a 24 hour notice if you know you will be absent on a certain raid
night. However, these absences are not encouraged and will
certainly count against you.
Drama – causing tension and lowering the morale of other
members is completely unacceptable. It wastes time from our
administrative members when they need to settle issues between
feuding players. Members of Business Class need to maintain an
extremely high level of professionalism. They need to be able to
set their emotions aside and make decisions that are most
beneficial for the guild as a whole. This means being able to pick
and choose your battles properly. If you are having issues with
other members, then please contact administration immediately.
Adaptability and Flexibility – players capable of adapting
to their raid environment efficiently and expediently are highly
valued. This includes changing talents/glyphs/specs between bosses
to better suit the encounter.
Proactivity – members who go above and beyond the call of
duty are highly valued. Business Class is comprised of dedicated
members who all work hard to achieve a similar goal. We do not
carry people! Here are examples that are important characteristics
of a proactive raider:
• Being constructive while sitting out in raids
• Coming prepared for raids
• Attending guild meetings/activities
• Getting involved with handling administrative duties
• Involvement on the forums
• Involvement in Mumble
• Involvement with raid strategy and discussion (join.me screen
shares, Google Docs, etc)
• Spending time outside of raid to work on your raid
• Taking initiative and being productive for well-being of your own
performance and for Business Class
Professionalism – Synergy plays a key part in the success of
Business Class. This is a team-oriented environment. Members must
be able to work together in a mature and professional manner.
Personability and communication skills are highly valued
Gaming Hardware – Internet connection, computer performance,
working headset – competitive raiding requires high-tier gaming
equipment. If you are lagging or do not have the hardware required,
then this will be counted against you.
Seniority – this variable isn't valued highly, but it’s
certainly something we take into account. Too many times have we
witnessed long-term members generate a level of entitlement over
other members. Members of Business Class are required to continue
to improve their performance. Being with the guild for a long
period of time does not excuse you from continuing to execute the
responsibilities required to be a member. However, being with the
guild for a long period of time certainly shows a level of
dedication that we appreciate.
President – Guild Master
Director – Officer
Veteran – A core raider that we can consistently rely on to fulfill
raid requirements and/or administrative duties.
Executive – A raider that has passed their trial.
Trial – A new raider that has passed their interview process
raiding once
Technician – social/casual/alt. If not active within 10 days is
removed from the guild roster.
Friends and Family - social/casual person that has a friend in the
guild. Not held to the 10day activity requirement
Core Raiders in Business Class will not be in the raids 100% of
the time:
For example, let’s say we ideally want to run 2 warlocks in the
raid. This doesn’t mean that we only invite our best two warlocks.
Obviously, there’s going to be separations in skill level,
dedication, and all other variables between different players of
the same class/spec. For progression purposes, we will certainly be
bringing our X best players of each class/spec. That being said, we
would ideally want all of our warlocks (not just the two best) to
have relatively equal performance. That way we can effectively
rotate warlocks in and out of the raid to keep everyone consistent.
Also, if we ever want to stack warlocks, then we have more than two
skilled warlocks to bring into the fight that are all capable of
executing the mechanics and dealing numbers necessary for
competitive raiding. The goal of Business Class is for players to
work with one another, bounce ideas off of each other, and be able
to fill in due to absences, internet connection issues, etc. Core
raiders must understand that contributing what they can from
outside the raid is just as important and necessary as the work
that is done within the raid.
Policy on sitting during a raid:
Being sat from the raid does not mean that you are worse (or
better) than other players, that you are unvalued, or that you will
never get into the raid. If you’re wondering where you’re at
performance-wise, then contact an officer or the guild master at an
appropriate time, and they will be happy to constructively review
your strengths and weaknesses.
Being sat from a raid does not mean that you get to AFK for the
rest of the night. Raiding with Business Class is a commitment that
you make. Players not in the raid group are expected to be in
Mumble and listening to information pertaining to their class and
role (extra credit: take notes and present them at meetings). You
also need to be ready to come into the raid at any moment, for any
reason. Here are some examples of things you could do while sitting
during a raid:
• Watch our stream and follow along with the raid (take notes)
• Research (read forums for your class/spec, strategies for boss
fights, etc)
• Recruitment
• Farm mats for the guild bank
• Anything else productive and relevant to Business Class (if you
have other ideas, make sure you run them by your officers at an
appropriate time)
Feel free to contact any officer in-game with any questions!
Recruitment Officers: Ramtram#1301, Emmalene:Sidr#1364
For healers: infinito#1361