We are a newish guild but we have a long history of raiding,
Clearing all content in previous expansions. We have cleared HC 7/7
and 3/7 Mythic!
We are an english speaking guild but have members from all over
we really are looking for all classes as all applicants will be
considered if active and have a brain. We are looking for reliable
and motivated players who will do their best to improve outside of
raids as well as in them.
Good Points for Applicants to Have
Raiding Experience
Heroic Normal Cleared already (Not Essential)
660+ item level (Not Essential)
3-4 Raids per week
We raid most evenings doing normal runs on alts and heroic / mythic
raids. Now christmas / New year has passed we are really looking to
get progressing in Mythic.
Raid times are
Wednesday 8 CET - 11 CET
Sunday 7 CET - 11 CET
Monday 8 CET - 11 CET
Raids are not strict and we like to have fun but are serious when
PLZ msg ingame @ kritikal, vear, sniperbro or grötmyndig
Add Lummzz #2866 if none are online