About Wicked
We are a raiding guild on the Malorne server, Horde faction. We are
focused on all end-game content Blizzard makes available to us
while maintaining an environment that is welcoming and inclusive to
all players. Diversity and tolerance are our highest priority, and
our guild offers a safe space for people of all backgrounds and
lifestyles. Our approach is to recruit pleasant people with a
community spirit, then if they are interested in raiding utilize
logs and trial raids to place them onto the team that best matches
their current performance level and preferred style of play, from
LFR to Mythic. Non raiders are always very welcome.
We have three raid teams in total: one Mythic, one
Heroic-to-Mythic, and one Normal-to-Heroic. Our goal is to offer
raid options for players of all levels of play intensity.
All raid teams run between 7pm and 12pm Central Standard Time (some
are 8-11, some are 8-12, and some are 7-10). Weekday teams run 3
nights, while the weekend team runs one. Attendance policies vary
according to team goals.
We began in early Burning Crusade as a progression raiding guild
that wanted to maintain the atmosphere of a social family guild.
Our loot rules vary according to team, but always focus on how a
particular piece will best enhance progression.
The guild’s GM is the same person who founded it, and she has
remained consistently active since the charter was signed.
We are also the home of the LowPopWow podcast (Hathorr is our GM)
and partial home of the MyEpicHeals podcast (Hathorr and Pitango
are guild members).
Our Guild Priorities
1. We seek to only have members that are considerate and respectful
of our exceptionally diverse membership. We expect you to act
online the same way you would if you met new people at a friend's
2. Respect and offer activities for all members, regardless of
their preferred style of play. We do not permit members to act as
if an individual's value is in any way dependent upon their
performance in game.
3. We maintain long-term community bonds. We never kick due to
4. We seek to protect and preserve the culture that has allowed us
to be stable, consistently active and raiding since Burning
Crusade. To do this our GM is advised by a mix of elected and
appointed officers.
5. We seek to maintain a culture of open communication, where ever
member has a voice in guild decisions and all of these processes
are transparent.
The Teams and What We Need
Slightly Harder than Semi-Hardcore: (Mythic)
T/W/Th 7:15pm-10:30pm CST
Looking For: Additional players to have a 25 man team to cover
absences. If more than 20 are on, the strongest player for each
fight will be brought. As of 12/19/14 the team is 7/7N and
-Monk Healers, Disc Priest
-High-performing DPS: Monk, Warlock. Boomkin
-All classes considered
SHSH Team In a nutshell: There will be no guarantee of 100% raid
participation unless you play so well that it would be against the
team's best interests to bring someone else.
Slightly Less Hardcore then Semi-Hardcore: (Heroics to
Sa 8pm-12am CST
Looking For: Additional players to expand this into a 20m Mythic
team with a total roster of 25 people to maintain stability with
absences. Last expansion this team worked on Heroic (now Mythic)
content with the majority of the team end-game raiders playing alt
characters. We have taken a break to allow players to level their
second characters, and will begin Normals/Heroics January 10, then
shift to Mythic once we have recruited the remaining members.
-Exceptional DPS and Healers needed
SLHSH Team In a Nutshell: If your performance is not
consistently advantageous to the group, after being given
encouragement and a short time to improve, another player will be
given the permanent spot.
Normal/Heroic Team
Mo/Tu/We 8:30pm-11pm CST
Looking For: Additional players to progress through Normals and
into Heroics.
-Strong healers (non-priest)
-Strong DPS
-DPS with a tank Off-Spec
N/H In a Nutshell: Giving your best reliably, doing all you
reasonably can to learn and improve, not consistently holding the
rest of the team back
Social Levelers and Community Members
Anyone who applies online and demonstrates they are a good fit with
our guild's approach and outlook via a short Vent/Mumble interview
is welcome to join us, either as a transfer or with a new character
on Malorne.