Dirge, a Horde guild on US-Runetotem, is looking for exceptional
players to help us hit the ground running in our recent downsize to
10man. We are focused on 10 man heroic progression and are looking
for quality, dedicated raiders to help us continue out drive to
grab those world ranks.
Currently, we are seeking a new DK or paladin tank, but we are also
looking for one exceptional ranged dps to help us cope with and
ranged biased fights.
Guild Info
Site: http://dirgewow.guildlaunch.com (application link is on the
main page of the site)
Raid Schedule:
All times are server (CST)
Tuesday: 7- 10:30
Wednesday: 7- 10:30
Thursday: 7- 10:30
Our relevant progression from last expansion: 8/8HM 25man DS. H Rag
and Sinestra down as well.
About our recruiting method
While specific class needs do arise, we firmly believe in
recruiting strong players who can potentially play multiple classes
to a high level to meet raiding needs as opposed to simply looking
for one or two specific specs. By allowing players to tell us which
classes they would be interested in raiding with, we are able to
compare those options with our own needs to see if there is a
possible fit within the guild.
Right now, we are looking primarily for players with some heroic
experience to chase those server and world rankings. We finished
very well in cataclysm (check out our 25man ranks), and plan to
improve even more.
Application Factors
Gear - We have no specific gear requirements, though we do expect
that all your raid interest characters show some effort at self
gearing as well as displaying proper enchanting, gemming,
reforging, and spec’ing.
Experience - Experience is a huge factor. This is not just which
bosses you’ve done. This is which bosses you’ve done and how much
time you’ve spent doing them. We feel a solid raider will have
experienced certain raid content consistently and repeatedly.
Relevant content experience is a huge plus.
If you’re interested, visit our website (listed above), fill out an
application or feel free to talk to an officer in game (there is a
link on our site listing all officers and their contactable alts).