About Us: Sad Panda has been an established guild on the
Madoran server since 2007 and has been a well Respected & tight
Knit Raiding Guild since. Like I mentioned, we really thrive to
keep our roster tight Knit, so we recruit to get players to raid
not to Bench. We take raiding seriously but aren’t a bunch of
screamers over vent, we will replace you if Necessary. We recruit
to have Quality players, people that know their class and show up,
and most importantly, we are looking for long term additions,
players that want to become apart of our family. We are currently a
10 man guild with a modest raid schedule. We have recently revamped
the guild and are in the process of rebuilding and getting back to
the business of killing bosses. We keep drama to a minimum and keep
to ourselves for the most part, and this is why we are highly
respected. Keep in mind, we do not want cocky or know it alls here,
we want someone that can take what we give them and execute it,
mistakes happen, lag happens but excuses for deaths get frowned
Goals: Our Current Goals are to find a handful of players to
help us push hard into 10 man Firelands Content, we had a slow
start but will continue to fight until we get our roster to where
we want it to be so we can get back to fight for server firsts once
We raid 10's Monday and Tuesday 7-11pm
visit our website and submit an app at
Recruitment Contacts: Krizzles, Taiter/Potaiter, Flonub or
just whisper a Sad Panda member and they will point you in the
right direction.