Welcome to Deposit Coin
Deposit Coin consists of a marry band of real life friends and
ingame acquaintances who tackle the most current of content to push
server ranks. We've recently started up again after a long hiatus
in MoP and are expanding our roster for raiding.
Raid Days:
We "only" raid twice per week but try to focus on quality over
quantity meaning we expect people to attend the days we have set
and perform to the standards that the content demands.
Raid Time:
19:30 - 23:00
Currently Recruiting:
1x Resto Druid, MW Monk or Holy Paladin
Damage Dealers:
3x Ranged Damage Dealers
*Players of exceptional quality get accepted regardless of
If your feel that you meet the requirements then feel free to apply
For further questions please redirect them to Miga or Bloodcraze
via ingame message.