Currently Recruiting
See guild website for current recruitment needs. If your class or
spec isn't listed you can still feel free to apply. We are always
looking for quality members who can be reliable.
About Us
Hordecore is a semi-hardcore raid guild on the Madoran server. We
are currently one 20 man group which is focused on progression.
We know that people want to raid and not be on standby every week.
so we try to keep our roster about 23-28 people to limit how many
people are on standby any given raid day.
About You
Members of Hordecore should have the following characteristics:
- have a working mic, for voice chat.
- able to hold high attendance.
- able to show up for raids on time.
- bring pots/flasks/consumables to all raids.
- are able to make at least 2 of our 3 raid nights per week barring
any unexpected RL situations.
- that read up on boss fights and come to raids with knowledge of
the encounters.
- ability can listen to directions and execute them.
- have a yearning to squeeze out every ounce of DPS, HPS, TPS, and
survivability they can get out of their characters.
- able to provide and receive constructive criticism and
- that want to be the best at what they do.
Raid times
Our current raid nights are the following.
Tuesday 7:15 pm - 10 pm (CST)
Wednesday 7:15 pm - 10 pm (CST)
Thursday 7:15 pm - 10 pm (CST)
There may be a follow up raid on Monday at the same time on
progression weeks.
You can apply on our website at . Feel free to post any
questions you may have on our guild forums or contact one of the
following officers in game via mail or whisper.
Jelu (Jelu#1735), Cadaveous, Cee, Trystero, Nero