Who we are and what we are about?
History of Sublime.
Sublime was created one late fall evening back in 2005 on the realm
of Bladefist and under the banner of the Alliance. Quickly
advancing through the raidcontent we took part in slaying the Lord
of Blackrock Spire, unsealing the gates of Ahn Qiraj and slaying
the old god C'Thun. With the arrival of the Burning Crusade
approaching we had slain all but five bosses in the necropolis
known as Naxxramas but the will that was Sublime had faded, grown
weary from its struggles and in an rather outdrawn process we
parted ways.
We decided to reroll horde on Stormscale server, had alot of fun on
this server, managed to clear all the content , except a few
In december 2009 we moved to Auchindoun most because of lag and
long ques. In Mists of Pandarias launch we faction-changed from
horde to alliance mostly because people wanted to see content from
another perspective.
Raiding as Alliance for a second time didn't last for long, people
missed trolls and taurens, so after Siege Of Orgrimmars arrival we
rerolled back to Horde on Tarren Mill server. FOR THE HORDE !
Who are we?
We're a guild that strive to maintain a very mature profile, most
of our players being within the ages of 20 and 35. That being said
we're still a very casual bunch with a great lack of inhibitions
and there's plenty of time for %#@!s and giggles. Make no mistake
though, we come to play. So when you put on that raiding gear, that
Sublime uniform, you better come to work.
Sublime does not endorse cheating, that means no scripting, no
botting, no scamming and so on. You earn your spot in the guild and
you earn your respect on the server, everything you do reflects on
your guild. No individual is greater than the guild and the minute
we sense you are hurting the guild, we will cut you loose.
Our Progress:
* Molten Core
* Blackwing Lair
* Ahn'Qiraj
* Naxxramas (10/15)
The Burning Crusade:
* Gruul's Lair
* Magtheridon's Lair
* Serpentshrine Cavern
* Tempest Keep
* Hyjal Summit
* Black Temple
* Sunwell Plateau
Wrath of the Lich King:
* Naxxramas
* The Obsidian Sanctum (3D)
* The Eye of Eternity
* Ulduar 25man(13/14, plus a few hard modes)
* Ulduar 10man (13/14 all hardmodes)
* TOC 10 (5/5, 5/5 Heroic)
* TOC 25 (5/5, 4/5 Heroic)
* ICC 10 (12/12 12/12 Heroic)
* ICC 25 (12/12 11/12 Heroic)
* Halion 25
* Halion 10 HC
* Tier 11 (12/12 13/13HC (10man) ) (BWD - BoT - Tot4W)
* Tier 11 (12/12 3/13HC (25man) ) (BWD - BoT - Tot4W)
* Tier 12 (7/7 6/7HC (10man) ) (Firelands)
* Tier 13 (8/8 4/8HC (10man) ) (Dragon Soul)
* Tier 14 (3/6HC 6/6 4/4 (10man) (Pandaria raids)
* Tier 15 (12/12 6/13HC (10 man) (Throne Of Thunder)
* Tier 16 (14/14 14/14HC (10 man) (Siege of Orgrimmar)
* Tier 16 (14/14 14/14HC (25 man) (Siege of Orgrimmar)
Our raiding times: 3 times a week.
Wednesday: 19:00 - 23:00
Thursday: 19:00 - 23:00
Sunday: 19:00 - 23:00
What do we expect of you?
* We try to keep a mature and low profile. Most of our players
range between the age of 20 and 35 with a rough average of
25-26'ish, so be atleast 18 years of age.
* Be a dedicated raider and have the ambition to progress through
new content and hardmodes. See the loot as a bonus, not as a
* Be able to take constructive criticism and act mature.
* Be flexible and take own decisions where needed, don't stare
blindly on the tactics. Think for yourself but don't question
You have to be swedish or at least understand swedish since we are
a swedish guild. We actually have a few peeps not living in Sweden,
but they all handle the swedish language very well!
If interested check out our website: www.sublimeeu.com
or whisper Aeerìs, Sóturi, Samington or Püffen ingame for more
Thank you for your time.