Why hello there.
Thank you for your interest in Incineration. Incineration is a
relatively new guild (about a year old) and we’re recruiting people
to join our relaxed and generally nutty guild. Even though the
guild is here to provide a basis for a raiding team. We also like
to think that one of our core aspects are, a place to hang out,
relax, have a few giggles and just having fun in general. So
whether you’re into PvP, PvE, doing achievements, running old
content or just having a chat while sitting on your mammoth in
Orgrimmar. If you’re happy, we’re happy.
All we ask is that you leave any thoughts of elitism and drama
safely chucked away in the cupboard.
Raid Days & Times
We currently raid 3 days of the following:
Thursday 19:45 - 23:00
Sunday 19:45 - 23:00
Monday 19:45 - 23:00
We use Teamspeak for communication. We expect you to have it
installed and have a Mic.
You should be able to research and answer anything about your
current spec\talent choice\glyphs.
So that when the raid leader calls out he needs something, you
should know if you can provide the said thing or not.
You should always strive to become better. Take less damage, Heal
more efficiently, Deal more damage and so on.
Please look up the encounter prior to engagement. We will always do
a run through of what strategy we are doing but, having you
research the encounter is advantageous
So if you fancy being part of the madness that is Incineration then
don’t hesitate to whisper Hõzukimaru, Fredox, Gnoree or
Disorganize. Or ask for any of us from a guild member. and we’ll
have a little chat. If we are not on at the moment, just add any of
us as a friend and poke any of us when we get online.
You can also add one of our battletags: mrHK#2387 or
Guild website: www.incinerationeu.com
If you made it this far then thank you for reading!
We hope to hear from you :D