What is Pure?
Pure is an Alliance mythic raiding guild on the Turalyon EU realm.
The guild was formed in July 2009 and has gone from strength to
strength since its inception. Pure aims to find a balance between
fast raid progression and real-life, and clearing all content in a
timely manner. In Mist of Pandaria we were the best three nights a
week raiding guild (25man) in Europe as well as being realm
Our mission
Our mission in Warlords of Draenor is to remain among the top of
the raiding guilds while maintaining a light progression raiding
schedule of 11 hours/3 nights per week.
Our most notable achievements:
Garrosh Hellscream Heroic 25m (world 57);
Ra-den 25m (world 67);
Sha of Fear heroic 25m (world 97);
Deathwing heroic 25m (world 158);
Ragnaros heroic 25m (world 236);
Sinestra 25m ( world 550);
Lich King heroic 25m (world 687);
All raiding meta achievements.
Our values
We strive for continuous improvement, raiding efficiently, clearing
content faster than a lot of four, five, six night raiding guilds
and do so while keeping a relaxed, but competitive atmosphere. We
have and want raiders that perform at the highest level, are mature
and professional.
Raiding Times
Wednesday: 19:45-23:15
Thursday: 19:45-23:15
Sunday: 19:00-23:00
We raid 11 hours a week on progression, with invites
starting 15 mins before posted times. We expect applicants to
attend all Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday raids.
Our expectations of an applicant
All applicants are expected to have a solid knowledge of their
class, and come prepared to each raid, if you are not the player
that enjoys reading up tactics, theorycrafting about your class and
find yourself stood in the fire more often than not, then Pure
isn't the guild for you. We are looking for players with a passion
for the game, and willing to push their characters to the
Currently recruiting:
All exceptional players will be considered.
If you believe you are a player who can push high end raiding, then
please feel free to leave an application. We strive to answer
within 48 hours. Even if we don't have space for you now, perhaps
in the near future something will open up.
Outside of raiding we like to frequently go back to old content for
achievements. We run alt runs on off nights, and enjoy doing rated
battlegrounds and other PvP related activities. We enjoy playing
together as a group of friends, both in World of Warcraft and other
If Pure sounds like a guild you'd like to join, head on over to our
website for more information and posting your application:
http://www.pure-guild.eu, or contact any guildmember in-game.