<Smitus and Friends> is a Mythic guild located on
World 20th Mythic Kargath Bladefist
World 10th Twin Ogron
US 18th Brackenspore
US 13th Tectus
US 11th Ko'Ragh
US 12th Butcher
US 9th Mythic Imperator
We successfully cleared 7/7H in 2 groups (mixed mains and alts to
funnel gear) in under 8 hours.
We killed Siegecrafter in 38 attempts total.
We killed Paragons in 31 attempts total.
We killed Garrosh in 86 attempts total.
Raid Times:
Wednesday 8-12est
Sunday 8-12est
Monday 8-12est
(on occasion, we extend raid 30 minutes each way)
Who we are?
We are a guild of like minded individuals that have experienced top
world raiding. All of us are very competitive people, however can
no longer raid 20-40 hours a week anymore. With that being said, we
have our goals set high and despite raiding only 12-16 hours a
week, we expect to be top 10 US.
Recruitment Needs:
Shadow Priest - HIGH
Balance Druid - HIGH
Mage - HIGH
Warlock - Medium
Rogue - Medium
Warrior (DPS) - Medium
Resto Shaman - Low
Enhance Shaman - Low
Resto Druid - Low
We always encourage anyone to apply regardless of specific needs.
All spots are competitive.
Apply Here! http://smitusandfriends.net/
Contact Info:
Battle Tag:
GM: Incendiio#1106