Current Progression:
2/7M, 7/7H
Raid times:
Friday & Saturday: 7 – 11PM PST w/ 15 min break in the
We try to keep our roster small so minimal swapping is required. We
ask that raiders maintain a high attendance rate so progression is
not adversely affected.
Recruiting needs:
Below are some of the gaps in our current raid. If your class is
not listed but feel that you are a top tier raider, then please
Resto Druid
Who is Risen?
Started by a group of friends who began playing early in the Closed
Beta, Risen was established on the live servers on December of
2004. We are an end-game raiding guild with a small roster of
highly skilled, high attendance members.
During our history on the server, we have been a successful guild
with a string of server-firsts in vanilla WoW (C'Thun, Razuvious,
Noth, Anub'Rhekan, Faerlina). Our legacy of success continued
through the Burning Crusade expansion, where we finished Black
Temple before Sunwell Plateau was released. In Sunwell Plateau, we
were a raiding weekend away from defeating Kil'jaeden (the final
boss) when the 3.0 patch along with huge nerfs came, and finished
Sunwell to end TBC as the 3rd most progressed guild on the
We also ripped through Wrath of the Lich King content, claiming the
server first clear of Naxxramas and Thorim and Mimiron in Ulduar
(25 man), and Heroic Sindragosa (25). Our optional 10 man runs have
proven to be successful as well, as we claimed the server first
clear of heroic The Trial of the Crusader, as well as a server
first A Tribute to Insantiy (zero wipe), and Heroic Ruby Sanctum
In Cataclysm, during our last tier of content as an active 25-man
guild, we downed Heroic Maloriak, Atramedes, Chimaeron, Magmaw,
Omnotron, Nefarian, Conclave, Halfus, Valiona and Theralion, and
Cho'Gall. Ascendent Council, Al'akir, and Sinestra in 10man.
In early 2014, Risen restarted raiding during SoO with many old
members returning to restore our raiding culture. Luckily, we were
able to add additional skilled members to our group that fit well
into the Risen model. Since then, we did extremely well conquering
heroic Siege of Orgrimmar with the limited amount of time we
We got a nice start to WoD, racing through normal and heroic and
currently progressing on mythic.
Risen strives to defeat every encounter thrown at us in an
organized, fully focused and efficient manner. We are dedicated to
seeing and defeating the end game content with our tight knit
group, working together towards a common goal.
You can contact any officer for more information:
Tiancai (Mindbeats#1564)
You can find out more about us at: