E V O是欧服Shattered Hand服务器上的华语公会.
成立于2006年的Xavius服务器,之后由于该服务器的没落,我们决定转移到SH. 不久就成为了SH服务器公会中的领先者之一.
大多数E V O的会员都是留学海外的中国学子, 我们不仅仅是一个PvE公会,也是一个欧洲魔兽世界的华人圈子.
我们欢迎所有有中国背景的欧服玩家加入我们. 不论是开荒死忠还是休闲玩家都能在公会中轻松地找到合适他们的位置.
如果你想加入我们,请来到Shattered Hand服务器,输入/join EVO; 或者是直接在游戏中/W
E V O is a Chinese-speaking guild based in Shattered Hand EU. The
guild consisted in 2006, started in Xavius but later we felt
disappoint about both PvE and PvP scene in Xavius so we decided to
transferred to Shattered Hand. Soon we became one of the top guilds
in Shattered Hand.
Most members of E V O are Chinese students whom studying abroad, we
are not only a PvE guild but also a Chinese community in WoW EU.
All Chinese speakers/backgrounders from europe are welcomed.
Hardcore and casual players would both find their place in the
guild easily.
If you are a Chinese-speaker or have Chinese background and like to
join us, please visit our forum or feel free to contact our
officers and CLs in game(listed at the end).
Currently, we are progressing for Mythic T17 and the recruitment is
open for all classes(highly need specified).
GM: Ceomao
Officers&CLs: Abp, Losaliya, Ahya, Weiyan, Frankigo,