If these 2 conditions sound appealing, then you should contact
1. The guild is 9 years old, most members have been
with the guild for at least 5 years (plus half of the original
charter signers)… our members are older than the typical WoW player
and we enjoy hanging out, being crass, making fun of one another on
Mumble and playing other games such as LoL together.
2. We’re looking for people that meet condition 1…
AND want to progressively raid in WoW. Warcraft brought this group
together and it continues to be the thing that we default to. We
raid Friday @7:30pm eastern and Saturday @6:30pm eastern. Many
years back we were fairly hardcore with our raid schedule… but
that’s long behind us now. We focus up and bring our A-game for
raids… having a good time with one another includes downing
internet dragonz.
Additional information:
Loot: MS > OS... but we often pass loot to one another to
ensure the team is well-rounded.
Voice: Mumble
Raid Team Size: Ideally, around 25 people on the raid
roster. Because we raid both Friday and Saturday night, we're a
little more prone to irl interference. Rotation of members is done
in a balanced, fair fashion.
We’re laid back… mature, sure… but we like to joke around and have
a good time. You’ve gotta have a pretty thick skin to hang out with
us and we want to find other people/gamers that are looking for a
new place to call home and settle in. Our guild is not a revolving
door. We aren’t interested in the folks that just join the guild to
raid and then log off until the next raid or people that are in
ultra-progressed guilds that just want something on the side for
their alts.
Particular class/specs that would encourage some gigantic
pants-tents: (this is subject to change more often than this post
will be updated)
Elemental Shaman w/Resto OS
Spriest w/Disc or Holy OS
If you have questions or want to hear more about us, please contact
us in-game or via bnet:
Cheers... and good luck.