DC Klubben is an international guild on the realm of Shattered
[Rebuilt the 12th June - 2014].
Recruitment is open, we're mainly looking for some dps
Death Knight - Closed
Druid - Open
Hunter - Low
Mage - Open
Monk - Open
Paladin - Closed
Priest - Open
Rogue - Open
Shaman - Low
Warlock - Low
Warrior - Closed
The guild homepage:
DC Klubben is a guild that's formed of old school/hardcore raiders
that has been participated either world ranks with old top guilds
or either guilds that's still active.
But since times changes many members in the guild doesn't have the
that much time to offer anymore.
Therefore is DC Klubben a guild for people that wants to raids in a
more relaxed environment but that still wants to claim progress
during active content with an 3-4 days/week raiding schedule.
Since we're running with a very tight roster we demand that our
raiders can keep nearly 100% attendence during progress.
What you can except in our raids:
- Productive raids in a fun environment.
- A fair attitude among all the loot
- Raiders that's ready to do the current content.
- All questions will be answered as long as you make your voice
heard at the right appropriate time.
- Loot rules: If you perform, show up on raids, punctunal
attendence you will get rewarded.
What we expect from you:
- Be able to attend during PTR testing if we want to test something
- That you have a fully knowledge of your class.
- Being willing to listen to the raid leader and follow his
- Being committed to the guilds progression through regular and
punctunal attendance.
- Able to attend to all raid times.
- Microphone is a demand, since you'll have to speak for yourself
at Teamspeak.
During mythic progression will the raiding schedule be 3-4
times/week and 1-3 days/week during farm.
Our raid days/times:
Wednesdays: 19.00-23.00
Thursdays: 19.00-23.00
Sundays: 19.00-23.00
[Invites starts 18.40].
Recruitment is open for all classes:
If you're intressed, please visit: http://dc-klubben.shivtr.com/ or
additional questions can be answered through any of the following
people ingame:
Atvida,Risodlarn,Míramax or Ðazèd.