Raid Days: Tues, Wed, sometimes sunday. Also do optional alt runs
on thursday
Raid Times: 9:00-11:30 server time (often go over some, but not
Nompton is a progression raiding guild with a relaxed attitude. We
have a minimal raiding schedule that prioritizes enjoyment and
maturity. However our core raiders are very experienced along with
very experienced leadership. We reformed Nompton late into the MoP
expansion, and will be recruiting raiders for WoD to compete for
server firsts. In WotLK we were the top 10 man and top 3 25 man in
Icecrown before some of our core had to take a leave of absence. We
now plan on building Nompton back to being one of the most
competitive PvE guilds on the server. We expect our raiders to have
full knowledge of their classes, itemization, boss encounters, and
any other raid related ability. You can expect the raid environment
to be enjoyable with constructive criticism, so everyone can openly
work together to kill dargons without concern over being belittled
or shouted at.
To apply please visit