About Group Therapy:
Realm: Blackrock (PvP - Horde Dominated - PST)
Raid Times: Sunday | Monday 8PM-Midnight PST | Floating Farm day
mid week (optional raid)
Loot System: Loot Council - We have a zero-tolerance rule
regarding loot-related drama, and failure to play nice or keep the
best interests of the guild and your fellow guildies in mind will
result in you being asked to find another place to play. We truly
believe that you should teat people the way you want to be treated
and that starts with trust and respect. Max geared toons are the
result of our process.
Group Therapy is a US-based Horde guild on Blackrock, a high
pop, horde dominated LA data center. The core team and leadership
have 6-10 years of successful progression raiding and guild
management which has always resulted in top 10 server rankings and
we're coming back for the next expansion. The roster is a little
older then most and we like to think aging nicely but we have a
nice balance of blending mythic raiding with a little laughter and
Why Group Therapy may be the Guild for you:
Although we are a relatively young guild (we are reforming for
WoD), we have shown ourselves to be competitive, competent and
fast-progressing. Our commitment is to recruit older, mature and
progression dedicated players who enjoy pushing content with
skilled friends. That said, our guild is composed mostly of people
who don't particularly want to completely abandon a healthy
life/video-games balance, and yet when they get on they expect to
compete for top of server progression and 75 percentile parses. Our
member-base is competitive but friendly and the decision about
whether or not to retain you as a raider will be based as much on
whether you contribute to the team atmosphere as how well you push
your buttons.
That said we continue to build a community of high end players who
are looking for their next challenge and group of great people to
do it with. A point of emphasis is that we looking for you to
contribute both in game and socially. Invest in the team and
respect the players behind the keyboard and not only are the
results better but you'll enjoy it here a lot more. We have found
that a mix of respect, friendship and flat out crazy skill go a
long way to sustained results.
Should you have more questions, please contact one of our officers
or players in game!
Glixx : Glixx#1968