Who are we?
Rebels is Competitive raiding guild on Sylvanas- EU. The guild was
established on the 17th of December 2009 on Aerie Peak-EU. From
then up till today, we have always been a guild that strives to be
the best we can. Our members have changed over time, there has
consistently been core members that maintain our standards of
raiding. The officers and core raiders strive to assist and
encourages members to take their game to the next level but at the
same time, create an atmosphere of fun, social and mature
environment. Our goals is to be competitive, we never settle with
one goal. If we achieve the goal set for particular time, we would
then set another goal. Currently we are looking at top 750, and we
are trying our best to achieve that as soon as possible.
What are we recruiting?
Currently recruiting the following:
Ranged DPS:
Druid, Priest,Hunter,Shaman,Mage,Warlock
Melee DPS:
1 Healer:
Shaman , preferably with DPS offspec
What Player We Are Looking For?
Although we are not world nor server first guild, we expect each
one of our raiders to master playing their roles. This means you
should keep up to date on your optimal rotations and gear to
release the full potential of your class. Be well prepared to every
raid, and research the fights as best as possible beforehand. You
should have a positive attitude towards raiding and other raiders,
negative attitude would not be tolerated.
During our raids we like to focus on the quality of the raid
instead of the duration. Trying to reduce downtime and increase
effective up time.
You should be able to attend 95% of all raids. During trial, you
should attend all raids as to show you commitment. Most of the
current roster have close to 100% on their attendance.
Stable FPS and internet connection. An individual who constantly
blames his connection is not what we are looking for.
Raid Schedule (CET):
Wednesday: 20:30 - 23.30
Thursday: 20:30 - 23.30
Sunday: 20:30 - 23.30
Tuesday: 20:30 - 23.30
Monday: If needed or if close to a boss kill. (Not so often)
We also have ALT runs/Achievements on weekends
Current Progression:
7/7 Highmaul Heroic
4/7 Highmaul Mythic
Historical Progress (Aerie Peak- EU )
Icecrown Citadel - 12/12 Heroic
Ruby Sanctum – 1/1 Heroic
Blackwing Descent - 6/6 Heroic
Bastion of Twilight - 5/5 Heroic
Throne of the Four Winds - 2/2 Heroic
Firelands - 7/7 Heroic - Realm First(Aerie Peak-EU )
Dragon Soul - 8/8 Heroic
In Mists of Pandaria, Rebels took a break and have come back during
Siege of Orgrimmar(14/14 Heroic+Mythic) to regain our position as a
top raiding guild.
So do you have what it takes to be a Rebel?
Apply at rebels-eu.com
Whisper Høøl , Shänar or Invictus for more info or add sbolfa#2820
, hooligan#2327 , invic#2635 .