Risen Anarchy is a 20 man mythic guild. Preferably, we are looking
for people who have extensive raid experience who possess good
awareness that can complement our raid team. The applicant ideally
should be at least 660ish i level with or close to having a
legendary ring but we do make exceptions since we believe that
ability > gear. The guild has been on Lightbringer since the
beginning of TBC (8 years) and has cleared all hardmode content in
TBC, WoTLK, and Cata. Pertinent info is as follows:
The officers and core raiders have extensive hardmode experience
and work together very well. We are a mature raiding guild
(majority of raiders being +21 years of age but require raiders to
be at least 18 Years Old). We strive to progress efficiently with
our limited raid time and with minimal or no DRAMA.
Our 20-Man Team is looking for all competent and dependable raiders
of any spec but our glaring needs include the following, we have a
roster of 23-27 people and swap players / classes in to what the
raid comp needs. :
Please see above recruitment wants.
2/7 Mythic, 7/7 Heroic Highmaul, and Progressing through BRF. As of
Feb 5 we are 5/10H
Our main raid days are the following:
20-Man Progression Team – 3 Days
Monday: 7:30PM – 10:30PM PST Progression
Tuesday: 7:30PM – 10:30PM PST Progression
Wednesday: 7:30PM – 10:30PM PST Progression
Loot System
20-Man Mythic Team – EPGP (Effective Points / Gear Points). We
utilize this system to avoid any loot drama from typical loot
council systems that generally have inherent favoritism and to
avoid raiders hording points in typical dkp systems.
From US:
- We are a friendly group with an emphasis on progression in the
limited time that we do raid.
- Consistent weekly raiding – we only raid three nights a week, 6
hours on progression with Mondays devoted to cleanup to gear up our
newcomers, which we believe is the right amount of nights to meet
our objectives.
- We possess a self sustainable internal economy within the guild
that provides ALL raid consumables, enchants, gems, raid repairs
etc. in addition to most legendary mats if available.
- We respect everyone in the guild from top to bottom, and we treat
each other with a level of respect that we ourselves would expect
to be treated.
- We have a ZERO DRAMA policy; we do not encourage or condone any
type of abuse towards our members. We believe that any type of
negative reinforcement does not work when it comes to trying to
help a member improve.
From YOU:
- Strong understanding of your class and your role within the raid
group, meaning you have a decent understanding of how to gear your
toon (items, gems, enchants, etc) and you have decent knowledge of
raid mechanics and fundamentals.
-Being open to advice from your guild peers in terms of being open
to suggestions/theorycrafting in order for you to improve your
performance as a raider.If you improve, we improve as a whole.
- Maintain 90% overall raid attendance and to be ready to pull
promptly at 7:30 PST, since we only raid 3 nights a week, we
believe that it is not too demanding.
- Being prepared by coming into the raid on time!
- Being active in the guild by checking our forums regularly,
utilizing the forums raid calendar, provide any opinion or inputs
that you may have and being responsible by telling officers in
advance that you may be absent for a raid.
- Do not come into the guild with any DRAMA whatsoever
- Have a positive attitude that is cohesive to the raid group that
is not abrasive.
We currently use Mumble as our VOIP of choice.
We do accept friends and family into the guild, the only thing that
we require is that they fit into our guild culture and get along
with our raiders. We would prefer for the player to be 18 years of
age or older due to adult language that goes on in the guild.
If Risen Anarchy seems like the guild for you, please send us a
tell or apply on the applications section of our forums @
Contact Information: Battle Tag: Tyronious#1742, Suijin1337#1888,
or tacomato#1331 (feel free to ask any questions as the recruitment
needs may change.)
In game or PM via the forums: Gusfu, Dragondrop, Silverpala,
Ironbeer, Excrucior.