Light was founded on the Shadowmoon server in the BC era. We have
had lots of changes, including server and leadership changes, but
through all this we have been raiding every single week. We always
try to find the balance between strong progression and still having
fun. It is not always easy, but we always keep going and never give
up. At the end of WoD we were proud to say that every raider
recieved a Garrosh mount!
We started strong into this expansion. We have good and stable
roster, which only needs a few additions.
We are currently looking for a Mage, an Enh or Elem Shaman,a dps
DK, a WWMonk, and a ShadowPriest to complete our roster. Feel free
to pester Officers/Group Leaders in game ( Nady#1923, Takalii, or
Dailee) if you are interested in joining or have any
Our raid times are Tu and Wed 7:45 to 11:00 pm (CST server time)
and Su 6:45 to 10:00 (CST server time).
Lend us your awesome and we will lend you ours!
Please check out our website