Welcome to Stage Clear guild.
Stage Clear is now a semi-hardcore 25 man guild for raiding, with
some pvp activities for raiders/casuals as well.
Most of our core group have top tier raiding experience since
Classic, with our officers and most of our raiders having world and
U.S. top 100 raiding experience during Wrath of the Lich King, Cata
and now MoP.
Our progression 25 man raid times will always be Tuesday - Thursday
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM Server Time (PST). We prefer not to raid on
Mondays if possible, but we may if it's necessary for that week's
If you are interested please visit stageclear.enjin.com and put in
an application.
To contact us, please use our website or attempt communication
in-game with one of our officers: Banakk, Chairmanmao, Codemustavi
or Therech.