<HeartIess> is a semi-hardcore raiding guild looking for a
few more to fill out our roster for mythic raiding. We are a
tight-knit easy going guild, with a fun sense of humor, lead by
highly experienced raiders with history going back to the Vanilla
Beta. Our goal is to maintain steady progression, while continuing
to enjoy ourselves. We require you to have 100% attendance, be
punctual, be prepared with pots, flasks, food, etc. We also require
you to read up on your class/spec as well as any fights we might be
working on at the time. Lastly we require you to have a microphone,
and to be vocal when necessary. We use mumble, and will likely ask
for a brief "interview."
There will be a 1-2 week trial period depending on the player, in
which you likely be low priority in terms of loot. This is a
precaution we feel necessary to show both commitment from the
player, and to ensure that in the event that we feel the player
does not make the cut, loot has not been wasted. We are also
working to have a steady bench of 2-3 players. This will allow for
us to always have 20 players ready to raid in the event of a real
life emergency, or absence of a raider. It is also possible that
you may be benched for certain fights to allow for an optimal comp,
note that you will never be benched the same fight two weeks in a
We do not tolerate any misbehavior in guild at any time may
it be during raid or on off days. We're fairly lenient with our
core/progression as long as you obey the rules stated and treat
your fellow guild mates with respect and kindness.
Raid Schedule
6:00PM-10:00PM PST
(9:00PM-1:00AM EST)
If interested please, either contact us via this forum or message
any of the officers in game. (Hitaku#1179, Kryptic#1172,
Please contact us with the following info:
Character Name:
Class + Spec:
Current and past raid experience:
Recent logs (Not required but a huge plus):
Reasons for wanting to join HeartIess: