Angelic Wrath is a small casual guild who love to raid. The charter
of the guild is to try to make WOW as enjoyable for all.
We are mostly adults with busy schedule, we only raid 5 hours a
week for our core team. But we also have a flex raid on Sat for
people who want to raid and get some gear if possible.
We are currently not open recruiting. But we always welcome people
join our guild. Please send an ingame mail to
Deâthbaby/Cherubim/Destoryer if you are interested.
Flex / Heroic Raid
Thursday from 10:00pm EST to 12:00am EST <Heroic>
Friday from 10:00pm EST to 01:00am EST <Reg / Heroic>
Hosted by Deâthbaby/Cherubim/Destoryer
** Player need to able to use Ventrilo, experienced and raid
** Tank is requested to have mic to call out things.
Contact officers / Co-GM / GM in game by mail, or battletag
Destoryer----> Night#1966
Deâthbaby----> Ceci#1505