7/7 Heroic
6/7 Mythic
We are currently recruiting for Mythic raiding. Open spots for all
exceptional DPS or healers. High request for Hunters, Warlocks, and
Balance Druids.
If you are interested in joining please message Envoy (Envoy#1874)
or Omitted (Omi#1147) in-game and we can answer any questions you
may have before applying. Put your application in on our website at
We will only be taking the very best of applicants so we can keep
improving in every tier of raiding. Basically, if you are better
than our current members for your class/spec, you will take their
spot on the progression team, no questions asked. However, 'better'
does not just mean better DPS numbers, we also look to see if you
can stay out of fire among other things.
During progression, if you are a core raider, you will be in for at
least 90% of the encounters unless a specific encounter calls for
an unorthodox comp, then you might sit out a few fights depending
on what comp is best for that certain encounter. That will be
completely determined by the raid leader.