VII guild of Thunderhorn is always looking for raiders to fill raid
spots in our weekday raids and to help with weekend raiding. If you
are interested in tanking healing or dps any and all is welcome.
the more the better. our loot rules are based on guild rank that
does mean guild leaders get all the loot there are 3 raiding ranks
they are initiate, casual raider and raider. Initiate is the rank
for new members to the guild and they do not get to roll on gear
until they have spent some time in the guild and have raided with
the guild this rank goes by quick. then the next rank is casual
raider this is given to a player that can't make every raid or is
just casual players that would like to raid if there is a raid spot
for them in the raid group. this rank is also a stepping stone for
new members. Then there is the raider rank this is the final rank
most people will see unless the become an officer or raid leader.
Everyone in the rank of raider roll equally with all other members
but guild members of lesser rank. When loot gets rolled out and all
members in the raid group roll for loot any initiate or casual
raider that roll must pass on any gear that is rolled for by a
raider and if no raiders need the loot it goes to the casual raider
and so on for the initiate. everyone get 1 main spec and 1 off spec
roll and off spec rolls will be rolled out as a casual raider roll.
All guild member that wish to raid will need to have their gear
gemmed, Enchanted, flasked. players must perform to the best of
their class and gears capability. vent is required . Are current
raid days are Wednesday Thursday 7:30pm server time till
10:30pm.these days do change from time to time based on what the
best days for members of the guild if more people can raid on a
different day than the current one it will be voted on by members
of the guild then changed. we ask people to be online and ready to
raid 15 min before raid time for more information you can PST or in
game mail zaratool, Lionofjudah, Keisa, Starkaðr.
ps we ask that people in guild are respectful to others even
players not in guild. also if you can't handle bad language maybe
we are not the place for you. our guild is all adults and you will
hear and read adult language.