Started at the beginning of MoP - We are an up and coming
Semi-hardcore raiding guild that has progressed significantly each
tier and looks to continue to strengthen its rosters for both of
its 25M raid teams.
Tier 14: 1/16H 25M [First tier of raiding as a guild]
Tier 15: 8/13H 25M
Tier 16(Tue-Thurs): 14/14H 25M
Tier 16(Sat/Sun): 12/14H 25M [First tier of raiding for this raid
Group 1: Tues-Thurs 8:15 - 11:15 EST. 2/7M 20M
- This group currently is in need of a strong MW Monk.
- Strong DPS - All quality DPS, regardless of class, who can pick
up progression mechanics quickly while maintaining DPS uptime.
Group 2: Sat/Sun 8:00 - 11:30 EST. 7/7N | 6/7H 20M
- A Main tank with a DPS OS [Preferably Warrior or DK)
- Melee DPS: Any Class
- Ranged DPS: All
- Healers: Holy Paly/MW Monk Preferred
Group 3: Tues/Thurs 8:00 - 11:30 EST. 6/7N | 5/7H
- All strong DPS or Healers.
We are a growing guild with a strong foundation that has been able
to build, from scratch, a competitive heroic raiding team on a low
pop server. We hope to continue to strength both of our raid teams
with competent raiders who want to raid in a relaxed atmosphere
while still making meaningful progression and clearing tiers while
they are current content.
Many of us play outside of raid time as well, along with playing
many other online games (MMO,MOBA,FPS, as well as some
D&D/Pathfinder folks) and people who share these interests
would be a great fit into our guild.
-Kamahri, GM of Last Chapter
Contact: Kamari#1205 or go to for more